decompiler  1.0.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 action.hhAction, Rule, and other associates classes supporting transformations on function data-flow
 address.hhClasses for specifying addresses and other low-level constants
 architecture.hhArchitecture and associated classes that help manage a single processor architecture and load image
 bfd_arch.hhSpecific implementation of Architecture using GNU BFD libraries
 block.hhClasses related to basic blocks and control-flow structuring
 blockaction.hhActions and classes associated with transforming and structuring the control-flow graph
 capability.hhInfrastructure for discovering code extensions to the decompiler
 cast.hhAPI and specific strategies for applying type casts
 comment.hhA database interface for high-level language comments
 comment_ghidra.hhObtain comments by talking to a Ghidra client
 condexe.hhClasses for simplifying control-flow with shared conditional expressions
 coreaction.hhCore decompilation actions which are indepedent of any particular architecture
 cover.hhClasses describing the topological scope of variables within a function
 cpool.hhDefinitions to support a constant pool for deferred compilation languages (i.e. java byte-code)
 cpool_ghidra.hhUtility for implementing a constant pool backed by a Ghidra client
 crc32.hhTable and function for computing a CRC32
 database.hhSymbol and Scope objects for the decompiler
 database_ghidra.hhFacilities for retrieving symbol information from a Ghidra client
 dynamic.hhUtilities for making references to dynamic variables: defined as locations and constants that can only be identified by their context within the data-flow graph
 emulate.hhClasses for emulating p-code
 emulateutil.hh(Lightweight) emulation interface for executing PcodeOp objects within a syntax tree or for executing snippets defined with PcodeOpRaw objects
 error.hhBase class for error handling facilities
 float.hhSupport for decoding different floating-point formats
 flow.hhUtilities for following control-flow in p-code generated from machine instructions
 fspec.hhDefinitions for specifying functions prototypes
 funcdata.hhUtilities for processing data structures associated with a single function
 ghidra_arch.hhGhidra specific architecture information and connection to a Ghidra client
 ghidra_context.hhObtaining context information from a Ghidra client
 ghidra_process.hhThe formal commands that can be issued to the decompiler by the Ghidra client
 ghidra_translate.hhClass for fetching p-code from a Ghidra client
 globalcontext.hhUtilities for getting address-based context to the disassembler and decompiler
 heritage.hhUtilities for building Static Single Assignment (SSA) form
 ifacedecomp.hhConsole interface commands for the decompiler engine
 ifaceterm.hhAdd some terminal capabilities to the command-line interface (IfaceStatus)
 inject_ghidra.hhP-code injection classes using a Ghidra client as the back-end for generating p-code
 interface.hhClasses and utilities for a generic command-line interface
 jumptable.hhClasses to support jump-tables and their recovery
 loadimage.hhClasses and API for accessing a binary load image
 loadimage_ghidra.hhUse the Ghidra client as a load image
 loadimage_xml.hhSupport for programs stored using an XML schema
 memstate.hhClasses for keeping track of memory state during emulation
 merge.hhUtilities for merging low-level Varnodes into high-level variables
 op.hhThe PcodeOp and PcodeOpBank classes
 opbehavior.hhClasses for describing the behavior of individual p-code operations
 opcodes.hhAll the individual p-code operations
 options.hhClasses for processing architecture configuration options
 override.hhA system for sending override commands to the decompiler
 partmap.hhThe partmap<> template mapping a linear space to value objects
 pcodeinject.hhClasses for managing p-code injection
 pcoderaw.hhRaw descriptions of varnodes and p-code ops
 prettyprint.hhRoutines for emitting high-level (C) language syntax in a well formatted way
 printc.hhClasses to support the c-language back-end of the decompiler
 printjava.hhClasses supporting the java-language back-end to the decompiler
 printlanguage.hhClasses for printing tokens in a high-level language
 rangemap.hhTemplates to define interval map containers
 rangeutil.hhDocumentation for the CircleRange class
 raw_arch.hhBare bones capability for treating a file as a raw executable image
 ruleaction.hhThis is the basic set of transformation Rule objects
 sleigh.hhClasses and utilities for the main SLEIGH engine
 sleigh_arch.hhArchitecture objects that use a Translate object derived from Sleigh
 sleighbase.hhBase class for applications that process SLEIGH format specifications
 slgh_compile.hhHigh-level control of the sleigh compilation process
 space.hhClasses for describing address spaces
 string_ghidra.hhImplementation of the StringManager through the ghidra client
 stringmanage.hhClasses for decoding and storing string data
 subflow.hhClasses for reducing/splitting Varnodes containing smaller logical values
 test.hhSimple test framework
 testfunction.hhFramework for decompiler data driven single function tests
 transform.hhClasses for building large scale transforms of function data-flow
 translate.hhClasses for disassembly and pcode generation
 type.hhClasses for describing and printing data-types
 typegrp_ghidra.hhInterface for requesting data-type information from a Ghidra client
 typeop.hhData-type and behavior information associated with specific p-code op-codes
 userop.hhClasses for more detailed definitions of user defined p-code operations
 variable.hhDefinitions for high-level variables
 varmap.hhClasses for keeping track of local variables and reconstructing stack layout
 varnode.hhThe Varnode and VarnodeBank classes
 xml.hhLightweight (and incomplete) XML parser for marshaling data to and from the decompiler
 xml_arch.hhExtension to read executables based on an XML format