decompiler  1.0.0
Classes | Typedefs
heritage.hh File Reference

Utilities for building Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. More...

#include "block.hh"


struct  ghidra::SizePass
 Label for describing extent of address range that has been heritaged. More...
class  ghidra::LocationMap
 Map object for keeping track of which address ranges have been heritaged. More...
class  ghidra::PriorityQueue
 Priority queue for the phi-node (MULTIEQUAL) placement algorithm. More...
class  ghidra::HeritageInfo
 Information about heritage passes performed for a specific address space. More...
class  ghidra::LoadGuard
 Description of a LOAD operation that needs to be guarded. More...
class  ghidra::Heritage
 Manage the construction of Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. More...
struct  ghidra::Heritage::StackNode
 Node for depth-first traversal of stack references. More...


typedef map< Address, vector< Varnode * > > ghidra::VariableStack

Detailed Description

Utilities for building Static Single Assignment (SSA) form.

Typedef Documentation

◆ VariableStack

typedef map<Address,vector<Varnode *> > ghidra::VariableStack

Container holding the stack system for the renaming algorithm. Every disjoint address range (indexed by its initial address) maps to its own Varnode stack.