decompiler  1.0.0
printlanguage.hh File Reference

Classes for printing tokens in a high-level language. More...

#include "capability.hh"
#include "cast.hh"
#include "prettyprint.hh"


class  ghidra::PrintLanguageCapability
 Base class for high-level language capabilities. More...
class  ghidra::OpToken
 A token representing an operator in the high-level language. More...
class  ghidra::PrintLanguage
 The base class API for emitting a high-level language. More...
struct  ghidra::PrintLanguage::ReversePolish
 An entry on the reverse polish notation (RPN) stack. More...
struct  ghidra::PrintLanguage::NodePending
 A pending data-flow node; waiting to be placed on the reverse polish notation stack. More...
struct  ghidra::PrintLanguage::Atom
 A single non-operator token emitted by the decompiler. More...

Detailed Description

Classes for printing tokens in a high-level language.