decompiler  1.0.0
transform.hh File Reference

Classes for building large scale transforms of function data-flow. More...

#include "varnode.hh"


class  ghidra::TransformVar
 Placeholder node for Varnode that will exist after a transform is applied to a function. More...
class  ghidra::TransformOp
 Placeholder node for PcodeOp that will exist after a transform is applied to a function. More...
class  ghidra::LanedRegister
 Describes a (register) storage location and the ways it might be split into lanes. More...
class  ghidra::LanedRegister::LanedIterator
 Class for iterating over possible lane sizes. More...
class  ghidra::LaneDescription
 Description of logical lanes within a big Varnode. More...
class  ghidra::TransformManager
 Class for splitting larger registers holding smaller logical lanes. More...

Detailed Description

Classes for building large scale transforms of function data-flow.